Japanese cooking class in May

2016.5 5月の膳 2016.5 クルミ餅 2016.5食材


May’s menu:

Grilled Spanish mackerel with Japanese pepper, minced pork wrapped in butterbur leaves, potato noodles, garden pea salad, butterbur’s rice, Japanese style new onion soup, walnut cakes.

They were all very healthy dishes. People who took part in this class made these at home and sometimes sent Pictures to me.

I was very happy to see them. They looked delicious and beautiful. Their family must have been happy!

Secret talk

Most participants hadn’t used the leaves of butterbur before. They all threw them out, they said. Actually it is rare to see butterbur with leaves in a supermarket.

But the leaves have a lot of fiber. That color is beautiful and they are very nutrition

2016.5 フキの葉包み (2)

Please don’t throw them away.

Many thank you participants and followers of my blog, Facebook, and home page.


The class in June

Japanese cooking class 6/13(Mon), 14(Tue) 10:30~14:00

Afternoon tea class     6/19(Sun)


If you can’t come on these days, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I’ll do my best to accommodate you.


