It was good and simple to make.
It was good and simple to make. Dear AMThank you for coming to Kura.Please come to Kura with your co-worker next time.Kura cooking Yukoxxx
It was good and simple to make. Dear AMThank you for coming to Kura.Please come to Kura with your co-worker next time.Kura cooking Yukoxxx
Delicious and I feel able to make this again at home. Dear AHThank you for coming to Kura.Please make sushi at your home.Kura cookingYukoxxx
I love the way how the dishes are explained and demonstrated. Dear JThank you for coming to Kura.I’m happy that you enjoy making Japanese dishes.Kura cooking Yukoxxx
Delicious. Dear ZThank you for coming to Kura.Please make Teriyaki Chicken at home.Kura cooking Yukoxxx
Very authentic and very tasty. Dear KI was really happy you liked sushi rice.Please make it at home.Kura cooking Yukoxxx
Delicious and a good sample of local dishes and seasonal ingredient! Dear MThank you for coming to Kura.I’m really happy you enjoy Japanese sweets and tea ceremony.KuraCooking Yukoxxx