July’s cooking class for foreigner


Some Brazilians and Spaniards took part in my cooking class in July.


They could make Japanese dishes very well and eat all of them.

The welcome drink for one class was home-made red basil juice and for the other cherry blossom tea.


Everybody said “They are delicious!” I was happy to hear that.

There are 6 dishes.

Teriyaki chicken, Cucumber stuffed with potato, Chopped cooked carrots, Egg-and- sesame rice,

Miso soup. Red Japanese basil rice cake

Everybody enjoyed cooking.


The most popular dish was “Miso soup”

The Brazilians loved home-made miso and they took it to their home to make miso soup there. They sent me a picture.

Next February they will attend a lesson about making home-made miso.

I’m looking forward to making miso with them.

The red basil rice cake was doughy, they liked it.

The color was a really good pink, it looks good in summer.

We also made white rice cake. Red and White are good colors for cerebrations in Japan.

The class for the Spaniards included the tea ceremony.

We put on Yukata in one of the classes.  They felt Japanese by wearing Yukata.


They enjoyed mixing Japanese bitter tea.

They also liked the golden screens, alter, sliding doors, tatami, ・・・etc.

I had a very exciting time, I’m grateful to the students.