Cooked berry pork

Cooked berry pork

lt is soft and it is salty and sweet. This dish is good with rice and noodle.
Author: Yuko Asano @Kuracooking


  • 600~700 g Berry pork
  • 1000 cc Water that has been used to wash rice
  • 600 cc Water
  • 60 cc Cooking wine
  • 60 cc Mirin
  • 4 tbsp Soy sauce 
  • 2 tbsp Sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp Hot pepper Miso
  • 1 Leek
  • 5 Sunny lettuce
  • A lot Love


  • Grill every side of berry pork on the frying pan with oil.
  • Put water that has been used to wash rice in the pressure cooker and heat.
  • Put 1 into 2. After boiling, simmer it for 5 min. on law heat.
  • When the pressure decreases, take meat out and wash it to remove oil.
  • Cut 4 into 3cm. Put it in the pot with leek, seasoning, and love then simmer for 10 min.
  • Take out leek from the pot then simmer for 20min.
  • Put mustard on top and serve.


©2018 Yuko Asano
Author:Yuko Asano / Kuracooking
I run a cooking school "Kura Cooking" in Iwakura City, Aichi Prefecture. I love "eating," "searching for delicious food," "making delicious food," and "creating new dishes," and I love to entertain people with my cooking ideas. If you are interested in Kura Cooking. Please contact us and we will be waiting for you in our classroom which is renovated warehouse built more than a century ago.